Download Deepwoken [Chest ESP, No Fog, And More] Script 100% Free Latest Version: Roblox, the popular online platform, has taken the gaming world by storm. With millions of users and an ever-expanding virtual universe, it has become a hub for creativity and social interaction. One of the key features that set Roblox apart is its powerful scripting capabilities. Scripting in Roblox allows users to create their games, design interactive experiences, and customize gameplay mechanics. This article explores the fundamentals of Roblox scripting, along with some frequently asked questions to help you get started on your journey into the metaverse.
What is Roblox Scripting?
Roblox scripting is the process of writing code in the Lua programming language to control the behavior of in-game objects and characters. Lua, a lightweight and versatile language, is used as the scripting language in Roblox due to its ease of use and fast execution. Through scripting, Roblox developers can bring their ideas to life, enabling dynamic gameplay and unique experiences.
Getting Started with Roblox Scripting
- Roblox Studio: To start scripting in Roblox, you’ll need to use Roblox Studio, the platform’s official development environment. It provides an intuitive interface where you can create, design, and test your games.
- Understanding Lua: While prior programming experience is beneficial, Roblox’s Lua implementation is relatively easy to pick up for beginners. There are ample online resources, tutorials, and a helpful Roblox developer community to support your learning journey.
- In-Game Objects: Roblox games consist of various in-game objects, such as bricks, models, and characters. You can use scripts to control these objects’ properties, behavior, and interactions with players.
- Event Handling: One of the fundamental aspects of Roblox scripting is event handling. Events are actions that occur in the game, such as a player clicking a button or a character colliding with an object. Scripts respond to these events to create dynamic gameplay.
- Roblox API: Roblox provides an extensive Application Programming Interface (API) that allows developers to interact with the game world and access various features, such as creating GUI elements, modifying lighting, and managing player data.
Download & Copy Deepwoken [Chest ESP, No Fog, And More] Script
if game.PlaceId ~= 6032399813 and game.PlaceId ~= 5735553160 then print("???? wrong game retard") return nil end local debugFlag = false if getgenv().ArabwokenExecuteCheck and not debugFlag then return end local LPH_JIT_ULTRA = function(a) return a end local LPH_JIT_MAX = function(a) return a end local ContextActionService = game:GetService("ContextActionService") local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService") if not debugFlag then getgenv().ArabwokenExecuteCheck = true end local library,errmsg = debugFlag and loadfile("UILibBackup.lua") or loadstring(game:HttpGet("")) if not library then print(library, errmsg) return end --Logging local request = syn and syn.request or request --Options local OptionsTemplate = { NoFallEnabled = false, NoStunEnabled = false, WalkSpeedEnabled = false, WalkSpeed = 25, JumpPowerEnabled = false, JumpPower = 100, FlyEnabled = false, FlySpeed = 50, NoclipEnabled = false, NoKillBricks = false, NoFogEnabled = false, TrainCharisma = false, TrainIntelligence = false, TextSize = 15, PlayerESP = true, PlayerEnemyColor = Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0), PlayerFriendColor = Color3.fromRGB(0,255,0), MaxPlayerRange = 2500, PlayerShowHealth = true, PlayerShowDistance = true, PlayerShowWeapon = true, PlayerShowApproximateLevel = true, EnemyNPC = true, EnemyNPCColor = Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0), EnemyNPCRange = 1000, EnemyShowHealth = true, EnemyShowDistance = true, EnemyShowWeapon = true, ChestESPEnabled = false, ArtifactESPEnabled = false, AreaESPEnabled = false, NoclipKeybind = "", WalkSpeedKeybind = "", JumpPowerKeybind = "", ToggleMenuKeybind = "F4", FlyKeybind = "", PlayerESPKeybind = "", NPCESPKeybind = "", } if not isfolder("ArabWoken") then makefolder("ArabWoken") end local RealSettings = {} local function SerializeC3(obj) return {obj.R, obj.G, obj.B} end local function SerializeSettings() local r_Table = {} for _,v in next, RealSettings do r_Table[_] = v end r_Table.PlayerEnemyColor = SerializeC3(r_Table.PlayerEnemyColor) r_Table.PlayerFriendColor = SerializeC3(r_Table.PlayerFriendColor) r_Table.EnemyNPCColor = SerializeC3(r_Table.EnemyNPCColor) r_Table.NoclipKeybind = r_Table.NoclipKeybind and r_Table.NoclipKeybind.Name or "" r_Table.WalkSpeedKeybind = r_Table.WalkSpeedKeybind and r_Table.WalkSpeedKeybind.Name or "" r_Table.JumpPowerKeybind = r_Table.JumpPowerKeybind and r_Table.JumpPowerKeybind.Name or "" r_Table.ToggleMenuKeybind = r_Table.ToggleMenuKeybind and r_Table.ToggleMenuKeybind.Name or "" r_Table.FlyKeybind = r_Table.FlyKeybind and r_Table.FlyKeybind.Name or "" r_Table.PlayerESPKeybind = r_Table.PlayerESPKeybind and r_Table.PlayerESPKeybind.Name or "" r_Table.NPCESPKeybind = r_Table.NPCESPKeybind and r_Table.NPCESPKeybind.Name or "" return HttpService:JSONEncode(r_Table) end local function GetKeyCodeFromName(n) for _,v in next, Enum.KeyCode:GetEnumItems() do if v.Name == n then return v end end return nil end local SettingsMT = { __call = function() return RealSettings end, __newindex = function(t,k,v) RealSettings[k] = v writefile("ArabWoken/Settings.JSON", SerializeSettings()) end, __index = function(t, k) return RealSettings[k] end } local function GetDictionaryLength(t) local i = 0; for _,_ in next, t do i += 1; end return i end local Settings = setmetatable({}, SettingsMT) if isfile("ArabWoken/Settings.JSON") then local s,e = pcall(function() RealSettings = HttpService:JSONDecode(readfile("ArabWoken/Settings.JSON")) end) if not s then -- Malformed JSON object print("Malformed JSON Object") RealSettings = OptionsTemplate elseif GetDictionaryLength(RealSettings) ~= GetDictionaryLength(OptionsTemplate) then print("Old Settings Table") for i,v in next, RealSettings do if OptionsTemplate[i] == nil then print("Found extra settings (",i,"): ", v) end end for i,v in next, OptionsTemplate do if RealSettings[i] == nil then print("Didn't find setting (",i,"): ", v) end end RealSettings = OptionsTemplate else print("Retrieving Settings") RealSettings.PlayerEnemyColor = RealSettings.PlayerFriendColor = RealSettings.EnemyNPCColor = end else print("No Settings Table") RealSettings = OptionsTemplate end RealSettings.NoclipKeybind = GetKeyCodeFromName(RealSettings.NoclipKeybind) RealSettings.ToggleMenuKeybind = GetKeyCodeFromName(RealSettings.ToggleMenuKeybind) RealSettings.WalkSpeedKeybind = GetKeyCodeFromName(RealSettings.WalkSpeedKeybind) RealSettings.JumpPowerKeybind = GetKeyCodeFromName(RealSettings.JumpPowerKeybind) RealSettings.FlyKeybind = GetKeyCodeFromName(RealSettings.FlyKeybind) RealSettings.PlayerESPKeybind = GetKeyCodeFromName(RealSettings.PlayerESPKeybind) RealSettings.NPCESPKeybind = GetKeyCodeFromName(RealSettings.NPCESPKeybind) --// Variables local Players = game.Players local lplr = Players.LocalPlayer local char = lplr.Character local hum = nil local mouse = lplr:GetMouse() local cam = workspace.CurrentCamera local PreviousHouseName = nil local Atmosphere = game.Lighting:WaitForChild'Atmosphere' local executor = identifyexecutor() local Remotes = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Requests", 10) if not Remotes then lplr:Kick("Failed to grab remote #1") return end local TouchedConnections = {} local partCache = {} local offsetVector =,1,2) local PressedFlyKeys = {} local FlyKeys = { [Enum.KeyCode.W] = true, [Enum.KeyCode.S] = true, [Enum.KeyCode.A] = true, [Enum.KeyCode.D] = true, [Enum.KeyCode.Q] = true, [Enum.KeyCode.E] = true } --// Metamethod hooks local OldNewIndex local OldFireServer local MMHookNewIndex = LPH_JIT_ULTRA(function(self, k, v) if checkcaller() then return OldNewIndex(self, k, v) end if self == hum and k == "WalkSpeed" and Settings.WalkSpeedEnabled then return end if self == hum and k == "JumpPower" and Settings.JumpPowerEnabled then return end if self == Atmosphere and k == "Density" and Settings.NoFogEnabled then return end return OldNewIndex(self, k, v) end) local FSHook = LPH_JIT_ULTRA(function(Event, ...) if checkcaller() then return OldFireServer(Event, ...) end if ("%s"):format(Event.Name) ~= "Game" and Event.Parent == Remotes and Settings.NoFallEnabled then local arg = {...} if type(arg[1]) == "number" and arg[1] > 10 and type(arg[2]) == "boolean" and arg[2] == false then print("Spoofed falldamage") return end end return OldFireServer(Event, ...) end) OldFireServer = hookfunction('RemoteEvent'.FireServer, newcclosure(FSHook)) OldNewIndex = hookmetamethod(game, "__newindex", newcclosure(MMHookNewIndex)) --// FUNCTIONS local unmVector =,-1,-1) local function TranslateKeyToVector(cframe, key) if key == Enum.KeyCode.W then return cframe.lookVector elseif key == Enum.KeyCode.S then return cframe.ZVector elseif key == Enum.KeyCode.D then return cframe.XVector elseif key == Enum.KeyCode.A then return cframe.XVector * unmVector elseif key == Enum.KeyCode.Q then return cframe.YVector elseif key == Enum.KeyCode.E then return cframe.YVector * unmVector end end function GetMovementDirection() local emptyVector =,0,0) local camCFrame = cam.CFrame for key,_ in next, PressedFlyKeys do emptyVector = emptyVector + TranslateKeyToVector(camCFrame, key) end return emptyVector end function CheckPartNoclip(p) for part,_ in next, partCache do if p == part then return end end partCache[p] = {p.CanCollide, p.Transparency} p.Transparency = 0.6 p.CanCollide = false end function UpdateNoclipCache(parts) for part,colissionid in next, partCache do for _,x in next, parts do if x == part then return end end part.CanCollide = colissionid[1] part.Transparency = colissionid[2] partCache[part] = nil end end function VisualizeRegion(r) local p ="Part") p.Anchored = true p.CanCollide = false p.Material = Enum.Material.Neon p.Transparency = 0.7 p.BrickColor = BrickColor.Red() p.Size = r.Size p.CFrame = r.CFrame p.Parent = workspace game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(p, 0.2) end local ConnectionCache = {} local function DisableChecks(instance, ...) if #ConnectionCache > 0 then warn("ERROR IN DISABLING CHECK (CACHE)"); ConnectionCache = {}; end local arg = {...} for _,v in next, getconnections(instance.Changed) do if v.Enabled then v:Disable() ConnectionCache[#ConnectionCache+1] = v end end for _,prop in next, arg do for _,v in next, getconnections(instance:GetPropertyChangedSignal(prop)) do if v.Enabled then v:Disable() ConnectionCache[#ConnectionCache+1] = v end end end end local function ReEnableChecks() for _,v in next, ConnectionCache do v:Enable() ConnectionCache[_] = nil end end local function HopServer() math.randomseed(os.clock()) local plrs = game.Players:GetChildren() local targetPlayer repeat wait() targetPlayer = plrs[math.random(1,#plrs)] if targetPlayer == lplr then targetPlayer = nil end until targetPlayer game.StarterGui:SetCore("PromptBlockPlayer", targetPlayer) game.CoreGui.RobloxGui:WaitForChild'PromptDialog':WaitForChild'ContainerFrame':WaitForChild'ConfirmButton'.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() lplr:Kick("Rejoining...") game:GetService'TeleportService':Teleport(4111023553) end) end local IntelligenceToggle --lua moment local CharismaToggle local function TrainIntelligence() if not Settings.TrainIntelligence then return end local tool = lplr.Backpack:FindFirstChild'Math Textbook' or char:FindFirstChild'Math Textbook' if not tool then UILib:Notify("Dumbass Detected", "You need the \"Math Textbook\" book to use this feature.", function(v) end) if Settings.TrainIntelligence then wait(1) Settings.TrainIntelligence = false IntelligenceToggle.Set(Settings.TrainIntelligence) end return end tool.Parent = char while Settings.TrainIntelligence do if not char or not tool or tool.Parent ~= char then wait(1) Settings.TrainIntelligence = false IntelligenceToggle.Set(Settings.TrainIntelligence) break end tool:Activate() wait(math.random(2,3.5)) local ChoiceFrame = lplr.PlayerGui:WaitForChild'ChoicePrompt':WaitForChild'ChoiceFrame' local mathText = ChoiceFrame.DescSheet.Desc.Text:gsub("What is ", "") local Options = ChoiceFrame.Options local numberOne = tonumber(mathText:match("^-*%d*%.*%d*")) local numberTwo = tonumber(mathText:match("-*%d*%.*%d*$")) if not numberOne or not numberTwo then break end local answer = nil if mathText:find("times") then answer = numberOne * numberTwo elseif mathText:find("plus") then answer = numberOne + numberTwo elseif mathText:find("minus") then answer = numberOne - numberTwo elseif mathText:find("divided") then answer = numberOne / numberTwo end local answer = Options:FindFirstChild(tostring(answer)) if not answer then break; end firesignal(answer.MouseButton1Click) wait(math.random(3,4)) end if Settings.TrainIntelligence then Settings.TrainIntelligence = false IntelligenceToggle.Set(Settings.TrainIntelligence) end end local function TrainCharisma() if not Settings.TrainCharisma then return end local tool = lplr.Backpack:FindFirstChild'How to Make Friends' or char:FindFirstChild'How to Make Friends' if not tool then UILib:Notify("Dumbass Detected", "You need the \"How to Make Friends\" book to use this feature.", function(v) end) if Settings.TrainCharisma then wait(1) Settings.TrainCharisma = false CharismaToggle.Set(Settings.TrainCharisma) end return end tool.Parent = char while true do if not char or not tool or tool.Parent ~= char then Settings.TrainCharisma = false CharismaToggle.Set(Settings.TrainCharisma) break; end tool:Activate() local prompt = lplr.PlayerGui:WaitForChild'SimplePrompt':WaitForChild'Prompt' wait(math.random(2,3.5)) local whitespace = prompt.Text:find("\n") local text = prompt.Text if whitespace then text = text:sub(whitespace+1):gsub('\'', "") else text = text:gsub('\'', "") end game.Players:Chat(text) wait(math.random(3,4)) end if Settings.TrainCharisma then Settings.TrainCharisma = false CharismaToggle.Set(Settings.TrainCharisma) end end --// TOGGLES function ToggleKillBricks() if Settings.NoKillBricks then end end local PreWS function ToggleWalkSpeed() local hum = char:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if not hum then return end DisableChecks(hum, "WalkSpeed") if Settings.WalkSpeedEnabled then PreWS = hum.WalkSpeed hum.WalkSpeed = Settings.WalkSpeed else hum.WalkSpeed = PreWS PreWS = nil end ReEnableChecks() end function UpdateWalkSpeed() local hum = char:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if not hum then return end if Settings.WalkSpeedEnabled then DisableChecks(hum, "WalkSpeed") hum.WalkSpeed = Settings.WalkSpeed ReEnableChecks() end end local PreJP function ToggleJumpPower() local hum = char:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if not hum then return end DisableChecks(hum, "JumpPower") if Settings.JumpPowerEnabled then PreJP = hum.JumpPower hum.JumpPower = Settings.JumpPower else hum.JumpPower = PreJP PreJP = nil end ReEnableChecks() end function UpdateJumpPower() local hum = char:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if not hum then return end if Settings.JumpPowerEnabled then DisableChecks(hum, "JumpPower") hum.JumpPower = Settings.JumpPower ReEnableChecks() end end local bv function ToggleFly() if bv then bv:Destroy() end if char and char:FindFirstChild'Humanoid' and char.PrimaryPart then DisableChecks(char.Humanoid, "PlatformStand") if Settings.FlyEnabled then char.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true local Conns = {} for _,v in next, getconnections(char.DescendantAdded) do if v.Enabled then v:Disable() Conns[#Conns+1] = v end end for _,v in next, getconnections(char.PrimaryPart.DescendantAdded) do if v.Enabled then v:Disable() Conns[#Conns+1] = v end end for _,v in next, getconnections(char.PrimaryPart.ChildAdded) do if v.Enabled then v:Disable() Conns[#Conns+1] = v end end bv ="BodyVelocity") bv.Velocity =,0,0) bv.P = math.huge bv.MaxForce =, math.huge, math.huge) bv.Parent = char.PrimaryPart for _,v in next, Conns do v:Enable() end else char.Humanoid.PlatformStand = false end ReEnableChecks() end end function ToggleNostun() if Settings.NoStunEnabled then else end end function ToggleNoFog() if Settings.NoFogEnabled then DisableChecks(Atmosphere, "Density") Atmosphere.Density = 0 ReEnableChecks() end end function ToggleZoom() if Settings.MaxZoomEnabled then DisableChecks(lplr, "CameraMaxZoomDistance") lplr.CameraMaxZoomDistance = 5000 ReEnableChecks() else DisableChecks(lplr, "CameraMaxZoomDistance") lplr.CameraMaxZoomDistance = 15 ReEnableChecks() end end --// GUI UILib = library().new("ArabWoken") --// Player Page local LocalPlayerHolder = UILib:addPage("LocalPlayer") local MovementSection = LocalPlayerHolder:addSection("Movement") local ClientSection = LocalPlayerHolder:addSection("Client") local TrainingSection = LocalPlayerHolder:addSection("Training") local WalkSpeedToggle = MovementSection:addToggle("WalkSpeed", Settings.WalkSpeedEnabled, function(value) Settings.WalkSpeedEnabled = value ToggleWalkSpeed() end) MovementSection:addSlider("WalkSpeed Multiplier", Settings.WalkSpeed, 10, 250, function(range) Settings.WalkSpeed = range UpdateWalkSpeed() end) local JumpPowerToggle = MovementSection:addToggle("JumpPower", Settings.JumpPowerEnabled, function(value) Settings.JumpPowerEnabled = value ToggleJumpPower() end) MovementSection:addSlider("JumpPower Multiplier", Settings.JumpPower, 10, 500, function(range) Settings.JumpPower = range UpdateJumpPower() end) local FlyToggle = MovementSection:addToggle("Fly", Settings.FlyEnabled, function(value) Settings.FlyEnabled = value ToggleFly() end) MovementSection:addSlider("Fly Speed", Settings.FlySpeed, 5, 50, function(range) Settings.FlySpeed = range end) local NoclipToggle = MovementSection:addToggle("Noclip", Settings.NoclipEnabled, function(value) Settings.NoclipEnabled = value end) local NofallToggle = ClientSection:addToggle("Nofall", Settings.NoFallEnabled, function(value) Settings.NoFallEnabled = value end) --[[ local NostunToggle = ClientSection:addToggle("Nostun", Settings.NoStunEnabled, function(value) Settings.NoStunEnabled = value ToggleNostun() end) local RemoveKillBricksToggle = ClientSection:addToggle("Remove Kill Bricks", Settings.NoKillBricks, function(value) Settings.NoKillBricks = value ToggleKillBricks() end)]] local NoFogToggle = ClientSection:addToggle("No Fog", Settings.NoFogEnabled, function(value) Settings.NoFogEnabled = value ToggleNoFog() end) ClientSection:addButton("Reset", function() if char and char:FindFirstChild'Humanoid' and char.Humanoid.Health > 0 then char:BreakJoints() end end) ClientSection:addButton("Server Hop", function() HopServer() end) IntelligenceToggle = TrainingSection:addToggle("Train Intelligence", Settings.TrainIntelligence, function(v) Settings.TrainIntelligence = v TrainIntelligence() end) CharismaToggle = TrainingSection:addToggle("Train Charisma", Settings.TrainCharisma, function(v) Settings.TrainCharisma = v TrainCharisma() end) --// World Page --local WorldPageHolder = UILib:addPage("World") --// ESP Page local PlayerESPHolder = UILib:addPage("Player ESP") local PlayerESP = PlayerESPHolder:addSection("Player ESP") local NPCESP = PlayerESPHolder:addSection("NPC ESP") local MiscESP = PlayerESPHolder:addSection("Misc") local PlayerESPToggle = PlayerESP:addToggle("Toggle ESP", Settings.PlayerESP, function(value) Settings.PlayerESP = value end) PlayerESP:addSlider("ESP Range", Settings.MaxPlayerRange, 0, 100000, function(range) Settings.MaxPlayerRange = range end) PlayerESP:addToggle("Show Health", Settings.PlayerShowHealth, function(newV) Settings.PlayerShowHealth = newV end) PlayerESP:addToggle("Show Distance", Settings.PlayerShowDistance, function(newV) Settings.PlayerShowDistance = newV end) PlayerESP:addToggle("Show Level", Settings.PlayerShowApproximateLevel, function(newV) Settings.PlayerShowApproximateLevel = newV end) PlayerESP:addToggle("Show Weapon", Settings.PlayerShowWeapon, function(newV) Settings.PlayerShowWeapon = newV end) PlayerESP:addColorPicker("Enemy Color", Settings.PlayerEnemyColor, function(newColor) Settings.PlayerEnemyColor = newColor end) PlayerESP:addColorPicker("Friend Color", Settings.PlayerFriendColor, function(newColor) Settings.PlayerFriendColor = newColor end) local NPCESPToggle = NPCESP:addToggle("Toggle ESP", Settings.EnemyNPC, function(value) Settings.EnemyNPC = value end) NPCESP:addSlider("ESP Range", Settings.EnemyNPCRange, 0, 100000, function(range) Settings.EnemyNPCRange = range end) NPCESP:addToggle("Show Health", Settings.EnemyShowHealth, function(newV) Settings.EnemyShowHealth = newV end) NPCESP:addToggle("Show Distance", Settings.EnemyShowDistance, function(newV) Settings.EnemyShowDistance = newV end) NPCESP:addToggle("Show Weapon", Settings.EnemyShowWeapon, function(newV) Settings.EnemyShowWeapon = newV end) NPCESP:addColorPicker("Color", Settings.EnemyNPCColor, function(newColor) Settings.EnemyNPCColor = newColor end) local ChestESPToggle = MiscESP:addToggle("Chest ESP", Settings.ChestESPEnabled, function(newV) Settings.ChestESPEnabled = newV end) local ArtifactESPToggle = MiscESP:addToggle("Artifact ESP", Settings.ArtifactESPEnabled, function(newV) Settings.ArtifactESPEnabled = newV end) local AreaESPToggle = MiscESP:addToggle("Area ESP", Settings.AreaESPEnabled, function(newV) Settings.AreaESPEnabled = newV end) --// Settings page local SettingsHolder = UILib:addPage("Settings") local KeybindSettings = SettingsHolder:addSection("Keybinds") KeybindSettings:addKeybind("Toggle Gui", Settings.ToggleMenuKeybind, function() UILib:toggle() end, function(newBind) Settings.ToggleMenuKeybind = newBind.KeyCode end) KeybindSettings:addKeybind("Toggle Noclip", Settings.NoclipKeybind, function() Settings.NoclipEnabled = not Settings.NoclipEnabled NoclipToggle.Set(Settings.NoclipEnabled) end, function(newBind) Settings.NoclipKeybind = newBind.KeyCode end) KeybindSettings:addKeybind("Toggle WalkSpeed", Settings.WalkSpeedKeybind, function() Settings.WalkSpeedEnabled = not Settings.WalkSpeedEnabled --ToggleWalkSpeed() WalkSpeedToggle.Set(Settings.WalkSpeedEnabled) end, function(newBind) Settings.WalkSpeedKeybind = newBind.KeyCode end) KeybindSettings:addKeybind("Toggle JumpPower", Settings.JumpPowerKeybind, function() Settings.JumpPowerEnabled = not Settings.JumpPowerEnabled --ToggleJumpPower() JumpPowerToggle.Set(Settings.JumpPowerEnabled) end, function(newBind) Settings.JumpPowerKeybind = newBind.KeyCode end) KeybindSettings:addKeybind("Toggle Fly", Settings.FlyKeybind, function() Settings.FlyEnabled = not Settings.FlyEnabled --ToggleFly() FlyToggle.Set(Settings.FlyEnabled) end, function(newBind) Settings.FlyKeybind = newBind.KeyCode end) KeybindSettings:addKeybind("Toggle Player ESP", Settings.PlayerESPKeybind, function() Settings.PlayerESP = not Settings.PlayerESP PlayerESPToggle.Set(Settings.PlayerESP) end, function(newBind) Settings.PlayerESPKeybind = newBind.KeyCode end) KeybindSettings:addKeybind("Toggle Enemy ESP", Settings.NPCESPKeybind, function() Settings.EnemyNPC = not Settings.EnemyNPC NPCESPToggle.Set(Settings.EnemyNPC) end, function(newBind) Settings.NPCESPKeybind = newBind.KeyCode end) print("UI LOADED") --// CONNECTIONS RunService.Stepped:Connect(LPH_JIT_MAX(function() if Settings.NoclipEnabled and char and char.PrimaryPart then local Region = - offsetVector, char.PrimaryPart.Position + offsetVector) local parts = workspace:FindPartsInRegion3WithIgnoreList(Region, {char}, 10000) for _,v in next, parts do CheckPartNoclip(v) end UpdateNoclipCache(parts) else for part,colissionid in next, partCache do part.CanCollide = colissionid[1] part.Transparency = colissionid[2] partCache[part] = nil end end end)) RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(LPH_JIT_ULTRA(function(delta) if Settings.FlyEnabled and char and char.PrimaryPart then local NextLocation = GetMovementDirection() * (delta * Settings.FlySpeed * 5) char:TranslateBy(NextLocation) end end)) UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, proc) if proc then return end if FlyKeys[input.KeyCode] then PressedFlyKeys[input.KeyCode] = true end end) UserInputService.InputEnded:Connect(function(input, proc) if proc then return end if FlyKeys[input.KeyCode] then PressedFlyKeys[input.KeyCode] = nil end end) print("CONNECTED") --// Mod Notifier --local ModList = game:HttpGet("") local ModList = "" local function CheckModStatus(plr) while plr.Parent ~= game.Players do wait() end if plr:GetRankInGroup(5212858) >= 96 then return true end local plrID = plr.UserId for UID in ModList:gmatch("([^%s]+)") do if tonumber(UID) == plrID then return true end end return false end for _,plr in next, game.Players:GetPlayers() do task.spawn(function() if CheckModStatus(plr) then UILib:Notify("Mod Detected", "A Moderator ("..plr.Name..") is in your game.\nWould you like to leave?", function(v) if v then lplr:Kick("Logged from moderator") end end) end end) end Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) if CheckModStatus(plr) then UILib:Notify("Mod Detected", "A Moderator ("..plr.Name..") has joined your game.\nWould you like to leave?", function(v) if v then lplr:Kick("Logged from moderator") end end) end end) print("MOD DETECTION SETUP") --// OnCharacterAdded function CharacterStartup(char) --Redo all character toggles print("WAITING FOR HUM") hum = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid") print(hum) if Settings.WalkSpeedEnabled then Settings.WalkSpeedEnabled = false WalkSpeedToggle.Set(Settings.WalkSpeedEnabled) end if Settings.JumpPowerEnabled then Settings.JumpPowerEnabled = false JumpPowerToggle.Set(Settings.JumpPowerEnabled) end if Settings.FlyEnabled then Settings.FlyEnabled = false FlyToggle.Set(Settings.FlyEnabled) end if Settings.TrainIntelligence then Settings.TrainIntelligence = false IntelligenceToggle.Set(Settings.TrainIntelligence) end if Settings.TrainCharisma then Settings.TrainCharisma = false CharismaToggle.Set(Settings.TrainCharisma) end end --// Variable Updates workspace:GetPropertyChangedSignal("CurrentCamera"):Connect(function() local newCamera = workspace.CurrentCamera if newCamera then cam = newCamera end end) lplr.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(c) char = c CharacterStartup(char) end) if char then CharacterStartup(char) end print("SET CHAR SETUP") --// FIRST TIME RUN if Settings.NoFogEnabled then ToggleNoFog() end print("FIRST TIME RUN") --// ESP local DN = local V2 = local function NewDrawingObj() local DrawObj = DN("Text") DrawObj.Center = true DrawObj.Font = 1 DrawObj.Visible = true DrawObj.Transparency = 0.85 DrawObj.Outline = true DrawObj.Color =,1,1) return DrawObj end local Elements = { ["Talent:Thundercaller"] = "Thunder", ["Talent:Frostdrawer"] = "Frost", ["Talent:Galebreather"] = "Wind", ["Talent:Flamecharmer"] = "Flame", ["Talent:Shadowcaster"] = "Shadow" } local function getPlayerHouse(plr) local guild = plr:FindFirstChild'leaderstats' and plr.leaderstats:FindFirstChild'Guild' return guild and guild.Value or "" end local function IsSameGuild(plr) local plrGuild = getPlayerHouse(plr) if plrGuild == "" then return false end return plrGuild == getPlayerHouse(lplr) end local function hasTool(player, toolName) return (player:FindFirstChild("Backpack") and player.Backpack:FindFirstChild(toolName)) or (player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild(toolName)) end local function getElements(Player) local elements = {} for _,v in next, Elements do if Player.Backpack:FindFirstChild(_) then elements[#elements+1] = v end end return #elements > 0 and table.concat(elements, "/") or "Unattuned" end local function GetApproximateLevel(plr) local level = 1 for _,v in next, plr.Backpack:GetChildren() do if v.Name:match("^Talent") or v.Name:match("^Mantra") then level += 1 end end return level end local function getWeapon(Player) local weaponTool = hasTool(Player, "Weapon") return weaponTool and weaponTool.Weapon.Value or "???" end local function getWeaponMob(mob) local WeaponTrail = mob:FindFirstChild('WeaponTrail', true) local WeaponModel = WeaponTrail and WeaponTrail.Parent if WeaponModel then local WeaponName = WeaponModel and WeaponModel:FindFirstChild'Critical' and WeaponModel.Critical.Value return WeaponName or (WeaponModel:FindFirstChild'Type' and WeaponModel.Type.Value) end return nil end local function getDeepwokenName(Player) local lStats = Player:FindFirstChild'leaderstats' if not lStats then return "???" end local firstName = lStats:FindFirstChild'FirstName' local lastName = lStats:FindFirstChild'LastName' return (firstName and lastName) and firstName.Value.." "..lastName.Value or "???" end local function GetMobName(mob) local name = mob.Name:gsub("^%.", ""):gsub("_", " "):gsub("[%d]+", "") local s = name:match("^%l") return s and ({name:gsub("^%l", s:upper())})[1] or name --fucking gsub returns :sob: end local function GetPlayerText(plr, d) local s = string.format("[%s] [%s]", plr.Name, getDeepwokenName(plr)) if Settings.PlayerShowApproximateLevel then s ..= string.format(" [%d]", GetApproximateLevel(plr)) end s..="\n"; if Settings.PlayerShowWeapon then s ..= string.format("[%s] %s\n", getWeapon(plr), getElements(plr)) end if Settings.PlayerShowHealth then local hum = plr.Character:FindFirstChild'Humanoid' if not hum then s ..= string.format("[???/???] ") else s ..= string.format("[%.0f/%.0f] ", hum.Health, hum.MaxHealth) end end if Settings.PlayerShowDistance then s ..= string.format("[%.0f]", d) end return s end local function GetMobText(mob, d) local s = string.format("[%s]\n", GetMobName(mob)) if Settings.EnemyShowWeapon then local WeaponName = getWeaponMob(mob) if WeaponName then s ..= string.format("[%s]\n", WeaponName) end end if Settings.EnemyShowHealth then local hum = mob:FindFirstChild'Humanoid' if not hum then s ..= string.format("[???/???] ") else s ..= string.format("[%.0f/%.0f] ", hum.Health, hum.MaxHealth) end end if Settings.EnemyShowDistance then s ..= string.format("[%.0f]", d) end return s end local function IsChest(c) if c:IsA"Model" and c:FindFirstChild'Pick' and c:FindFirstChild'InteractPrompt' then return true end return false end local RenderList = {} local DrawObjList = {} local function CheckRenderObjIntegrity(obj) if executor == "Synapse X" then return rawget(obj, "__OBJECT_EXISTS") elseif executor == "ScriptWare" then return isrenderobj(obj) end return false; end local UpdateInterval = 50/1000 local LastUpdate = os.clock() local PlayerList = {} local MobList = {} local ChestList = {} local AreaList = {} --// PLAYER LIST UPDATE Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(p) PlayerList[p] = NewDrawingObj() end) Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(p) if p == lplr then return end PlayerList[p]:Remove() PlayerList[p] = nil end) for _,v in next, Players:GetPlayers() do if v == lplr then continue end PlayerList[v] = NewDrawingObj() end --// MOB LIST UPDATE workspace.Live.ChildAdded:Connect(function(c) if c.Name:match("^%.") then MobList[c] = NewDrawingObj() end end) workspace.Live.ChildRemoved:Connect(function(c) if c.Name:match("^%.") then MobList[c]:Remove() MobList[c] = nil end end) for _,v in next, workspace.Live:GetChildren() do if v.Name:match("^%.") then MobList[v] = NewDrawingObj() end end --// CHEST LIST UPDATE workspace.Thrown.ChildAdded:Connect(function(c) wait(1) if IsChest(c) then ChestList[c] = NewDrawingObj() end end) workspace.Thrown.ChildRemoved:Connect(function(c) if ChestList[c] then ChestList[c]:Remove() ChestList[c] = nil end end) for _,v in next, workspace.Thrown:GetChildren() do if IsChest(v) then ChestList[v] = NewDrawingObj() end end --// AREA LIST for _,v in next, game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild'MarkerWorkspace':WaitForChild'AreaMarkers':GetChildren() do local AreaMarker = v:FindFirstChild'AreaMarker' if AreaMarker then AreaList[AreaMarker] = NewDrawingObj() end end local UpdateESP = LPH_JIT_ULTRA(function() local CurrentFrameTime = os.clock() local UpdateText = false if CurrentFrameTime - LastUpdate > UpdateInterval then UpdateText = true LastUpdate = CurrentFrameTime end local s,e = pcall(function() --// PLAYER ESP UPDATE if Settings.PlayerESP then for plr,renderObj in next, PlayerList do local RenderPart = plr.Character and (plr.Character.PrimaryPart or plr.Character:FindFirstChild'Torso') if RenderPart then local Distance = (cam.CFrame.Position - RenderPart.Position).Magnitude if Distance > Settings.MaxPlayerRange then continue end local ScreenPos,IsVisible = cam:WorldToViewportPoint(RenderPart.Position) if IsVisible then renderObj.Color = IsSameGuild(plr) and Settings.PlayerFriendColor or Settings.PlayerEnemyColor renderObj.Size = Settings.TextSize if UpdateText then renderObj.Text = GetPlayerText(plr, Distance) end renderObj.Position = V2(ScreenPos.X, ScreenPos.Y) renderObj.Visible = true else renderObj.Visible = false end else renderObj.Visible = false end end else for _,renderObj in next, PlayerList do renderObj.Visible = false end end --// ENEMY ESP UPDATE if Settings.EnemyNPC then for mob,renderObj in next, MobList do local RenderPart = mob.PrimaryPart or mob:FindFirstChild'HumanoidRootPart' or mob:FindFirstChildWhichIsA'Part' if RenderPart then local Distance = (cam.CFrame.Position - RenderPart.Position).Magnitude if Distance > Settings.EnemyNPCRange then continue end local ScreenPos,IsVisible = cam:WorldToViewportPoint(RenderPart.Position) if IsVisible then renderObj.Color = Settings.EnemyNPCColor renderObj.Size = Settings.TextSize if UpdateText then renderObj.Text = GetMobText(mob, Distance) end renderObj.Position = V2(ScreenPos.X, ScreenPos.Y) renderObj.Visible = true else renderObj.Visible = false end else renderObj.Visible = false end end else for _,renderObj in next, MobList do renderObj.Visible = false end end --// CHEST ESP if Settings.ChestESPEnabled then for chest,renderObj in next, ChestList do local RenderPart = chest:FindFirstChild'Lid' if RenderPart then local ScreenPos,IsVisible = cam:WorldToViewportPoint(RenderPart.Position) if IsVisible then renderObj.Size = Settings.TextSize if UpdateText then renderObj.Text = string.format("[Chest]\n[%.0f]", (cam.CFrame.Position - RenderPart.Position).Magnitude) end renderObj.Position = V2(ScreenPos.X, ScreenPos.Y) renderObj.Visible = true else renderObj.Visible = false end else renderObj.Visible = false end end else for _,renderObj in next, ChestList do renderObj.Visible = false end end --// AREA ESP if Settings.AreaESPEnabled then for RenderPart,renderObj in next, AreaList do local ScreenPos,IsVisible = cam:WorldToViewportPoint(RenderPart.Position) if IsVisible then renderObj.Size = Settings.TextSize if UpdateText then renderObj.Text = string.format("[%s]\n[%.0f]", RenderPart.Parent.Name, (cam.CFrame.Position - RenderPart.Position).Magnitude) end renderObj.Position = V2(ScreenPos.X, ScreenPos.Y) renderObj.Visible = true else renderObj.Visible = false end end else for _,renderObj in next, AreaList do renderObj.Visible = false end end end) if not s then warn(e) end end) RunService:BindToRenderStep("Update", 201, UpdateESP)
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Deepwoken [Chest ESP, No Fog, And More] Script
- Teleports,
- Auto Farm
Deepwoken [Chest ESP, No Fog, And More] Script
- Visit our website to download a free Roblox executor.
- Launch the Roblox game Intruders item asylum Teleports, Auto Farm Nearest, Auto Collect Coins Mobile Script.
- The downloaded script should be copied and pasted into the krnl executor.
- Run the script and wait a short while.
- Resuming the game, enjoy your script.
FAQs about Roblox Scripting
- Is Roblox scripting difficult to learn for beginners?
Roblox scripting is generally considered beginner-friendly, especially if you have prior programming experience. The Lua language is relatively straightforward and focuses on simplicity, making it an ideal starting point for aspiring game developers. Utilize Roblox’s official documentation, community tutorials, and sample projects to ease your learning process.
- Can I script on any platform?
Yes, you can script on any platform that supports Roblox Studio. Whether you’re using Windows, macOS, or Linux, Roblox Studio is available for download and works seamlessly across these operating systems.
- How can I test my scripts?
Roblox Studio provides an integrated testing environment. You can run your game within the Studio to test your scripts and see how they interact with in-game objects and players. This helps identify bugs and refine your game mechanics.
- Can I collaborate with other developers?
Absolutely! Roblox Studio supports collaborative development, allowing multiple developers to work together on the same project simultaneously. This collaborative feature is immensely useful when building complex games or experiences.
- Are there any restrictions on scripting in Roblox?
While Roblox encourages creativity, there are some limitations for security and performance reasons. Scripts cannot access certain features or execute potentially harmful code. Additionally, Roblox actively monitors user-created content to ensure compliance with its policies.
Roblox scripting is a gateway to a world of endless possibilities. By leveraging the power of Lua and Roblox’s intuitive development environment, you can create games, interactive experiences, and virtual worlds limited only by your imagination. Embrace the learning process, experiment, and collaborate with fellow developers to unlock the full potential of Roblox scripting. So, why wait? Dive into the metaverse and let your creativity flourish in the ever-expanding world of Roblox. Happy scripting!