Dragon Soul Scripts

Get Dragon Soul Scripts completely free, you can copy directly and paste it into your executor, we have given lots of Dragon Soul scripts.

Dragon Soul is an RPG on Roblox: the life of players is dedicated to collecting and training dragons, fighting with dangerous enemies and exploring the vast world of fantasy. The game combines some elements of action/adventure, fighting/brawlers and collectables / raising sim where the protagonist can capture, train and level up different kinds of dragons, which have their own weaknesses strengths and special abilities. During the game you will open new levels, fight with strong enemies, and perform task to enhance your dragons and the hero.

Are you tired of encountering to survive and score high in Roblox’s Dragon Soul? Do you wish to automate many tasks, unlock new content, and get better scores? Make use of these Dragon Souls scripts!

The more you practice, the better you obtain, and you can show off with cool skins for your arms. It’s all about being fast and smart to win. Well, these scripts are very popular among Roblox players because they aid you in finishing tasks very smoothly in games.

If you have just started playing Dragon Soul, you are likely looking for an Auto Partty script to survive in the game.

Notably, Auto Parry is not the only script that can be used to exploit Dragon Soul. There are plenty of scripts that you can run right now.

Here we will not only share with you a list of all Dragon Soul scripts but also explain how to run them using a Roblox Executor.

Dragon Soul

Before we plunge into this article’s warm depths, know what Dragon Soul is!!

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What is Dragon Soul?

Dragon Soul is an online fantasy RPG game that gives player the ability to capture, train and evolve dragons before going on a quest. Combat, exploration and most prominent the strategic approach is highly emphasized, with the main focus requiring selection of the dragons appropriately for battle and usage of them that is also strategic. When you are advancing through stages you will come across difficulties, meet different missions, and traverse a massive world full of secrets and strong opponents. Dragon collection, training as well as the multiplayer mode all add to the attractiveness of the game with the necessary elements of RPG and Game of Fantasy for amateur fans.

Game Features

Without any further wait, let’s get started:

All Dragon Soul Scripts (2024)

Unlike other websites or publishers, we have provided all Dragon Soul scripts here. Yes, you don’t need to click on any Download button or visit spammy websites to get the desired script.

You can copy your favorite Dragon Soul Script from here:

Anime Adventure: Auto Farm All Mobs, Auto Farm, Auto Quest:


Anime Adventure: Auto Farm, Auto Quests, Auto Upgrade:

local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xHeptc/Kavo-UI-Library/main/source.lua"))()
-- documents https://xheptcofficial.gitbook.io/kavo-library#update
local Window = Library.CreateLib("I love greedy devs", "DarkTheme")
local Tab = Window:NewTab("Farming")
local Misc = Window:NewTab("Misc")
local Section = Tab:NewSection("Enemy Farm")
local dd
function updateDropDown()
local updatedList = {}
for i, v in pairs(workspace.Main.Live:GetChildren()) do
if not table.find(updatedList, v.Name) and v.PrimaryPart then
table.insert(updatedList, v.Name)
local farming = false
local tog = Section:NewToggle("Farming", "Start the whole farming process", function(state)
farming = state
Section:NewKeybind("KeybindText", "KeybindInfo", Enum.KeyCode.Plus, function()
farming = not farming
local range = 5
Section:NewSlider("Range", "How far you are from the enemy Upwards", 15, 0, function(s) -- 500 (MaxValue) | 0 (MinValue)
range = s
Section:NewButton("Update Enemy List", "Specific for this game, due to loading NPCs", function()
local enemyName = ""
dd = Section:NewDropdown("Enemy", "List of current Enemies loaded", {}, function(currentOption)
enemyName = currentOption
local dd2
function updateDropDown2()
local updatedList = {}
for i, v in pairs(workspace.QuestObjects:GetChildren()) do
if not table.find(updatedList, v.Name) and v:IsA("Model") and v.PrimaryPart and v.PrimaryPart:FindFirstChild("ProximityPrompt") then
table.insert(updatedList, v.Name)
local Questsos = Tab:NewSection("Auto Quest")
local questing = false
Questsos:NewToggle("Auto Quest", "Automatically Start the Quest", function(state)
questing = state
Questsos:NewButton("Update Quest List", "Specific for this game, due to loading NPCs", function()
local questNPC = ""
dd2 = Questsos:NewDropdown("Quests", "List of current Quests loaded", {}, function(currentOption)
questNPC = currentOption
local miscTab = Misc:NewSection("Random Stuff ngl")
local revF = false
miscTab:NewToggle("Auto Reveal Fragments", "Automatically Reveals the ? Fragment", function(state)
revF = state
miscTab:NewButton("Reveal Soul Orbss", "Shows the Names of the 5 Orbs in Soul Wish", function()
for i, v in pairs(workspace.Camera:GetChildren()) do
if v.Name == "SelectableEffect" and v.Glow:FindFirstChild("BillboardGui") then
v.Glow.BillboardGui.ZIndexBehavior = Enum.ZIndexBehavior.Global
local ui = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Inventory.Root.RightPanel.InventoryGridContainer.InventoryGrid
while task.wait(.3) do
if revF == false then return end
for i, v in pairs(ui:GetDescendants()) do
if v:IsA("TextLabel") and v.Text == "?" then
[1] = {
["GUID"] = v.Parent.Parent.Name,
["Data"] = {
["Revealed"] = true
["Category"] = "Bindable"
[2] = "~"
function findEnemy()
for i, v in pairs(workspace.Main.Live:GetChildren()) do
if v.PrimaryPart and v:GetAttribute("Dead") == false and v.Name == enemyName then
return v
return nil
local questName = ""
while task.wait() do
if questing then
if not workspace.QuestObjects:FindFirstChild(questNPC) then return end
local npc = workspace.QuestObjects:FindFirstChild(questNPC)
local theQuestName = ""
if npc == nil then return end
for i, v in pairs(workspace.QuestPackages:GetChildren()) do
if v:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Model") and v:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Model").PrimaryPart and v:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Model").PrimaryPart.Name == "HumanoidRootPart" and (npc.PrimaryPart.Position - v:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Model").PrimaryPart.Position).Magnitude < 6 then
theQuestName = v.Name
if theQuestName ~= "" then
if not plr.PlayerGui.QuestCards.Root.QuestCardsList:FindFirstChild(theQuestName) then
[1] = theQuestName,
[2] = utf8.char(6)
if farming then
local enemy = findEnemy()
if enemy then
while farming and enemy and enemy.Name == enemyName and enemy.PrimaryPart and enemy:GetAttribute("Dead") == false do
plr.Character:MoveTo(enemy.PrimaryPart.Position + Vector3.new(0, range, 0))
repeat task.wait(1.3)
for i = 1, 7 do
if enemy and enemy.PrimaryPart and farming and enemy:GetAttribute("Dead") == false and enemy.Name == enemyName then
["Victim"] = enemy,
["Type"] = "Light",
["VictimPosition"] = enemy.PrimaryPart.Position,
["LocalInfo"] = {
["Flying"] = true,
["CurrentLight"] = i,
["CurrentLightCombo"] = 1,
["CurrentHeavy"] = 3,
["AnimSet"] = "Vegito"
until not enemy or enemy:GetAttribute("Dead") == true or farming == false or enemy.Name ~= enemyName

Auto Attack, Mobs Farm, Auto Farm:


God mode, Chest Farm:

loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/InfernoKarl/infernokarl/main/loadstring.lua", true))()

Chest Farm, God mode, No Stamina:

loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/InfernoKarl/infernokarl/main/loadstring.lua", true))()

Auto Attack, Auto Farm, Hitbox:


Kill Aura, Auto Quest, Inf Stamina:


How to Run Dragon Soul Script?

The process of running or executing Dragon Soul scripts is pretty easy. However, if you don’t know the process then follow the steps written below:


In the FAQ section, we try to answer every question asked by gamers.

Q. How can I obtain more dragons in Dragon Soul?

Ans: Collecting dragons entails either venturing in the game itself or pursuing the enemies in games and then performing some assigned task. Certain ones can be captured in a course of a battle, while others may be obtained by simply buying using in-game currency or progressing further in the game.

Q. Teach me how to train my dragons.

Ans: : You train your dragons by making them fight in battles and by achieving battle related challenges for them. In that upsurge experience, they would stage combat and become stronger and surpass their current level. Certain items may also be utilized to hasten their training.

Q. What is Dragon Soul goals and aims?

Ans: In Dragon Soul the primary goal of the player is to hunt out strong and fierce dragons, clinch victory over the foes, accomplish the missions, and run around different areas of the game. The best scenario and that which the players will cannibalize one another to use is the objective of raising the level of the acquired dragons and the unlocking of new levels for the team.

Q. Can players reproduce dragons in Dragon Soul?

Ans: Well, there are some editions of Dragon Soul where the players can marry two dragons so as to create a cross-bred dragon. This interaction between dragons will help players strategize more on how to go about dragon collection.

Q. What are treasure chests and what meaning do they hold?

Ans:In-game treasure chests are placed at various locations and can hold items like cash, dragon parts, or power ups, including other rare resources. Opening such chests rewards players with materials that are essential for dragon enhancement and improvement in the game’s progression.

That’s it for this article! I hope you like this article. If you have any questions, please feel free to comment below.

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