Project Delta Scripts

Get the latest Project Delta scripts without any cost and learn about the game and how to run the scripts as well!!

Boost Your Roblox Experience – Simple Scripts, Huge Returns!

Roblox Project Delta is indeed a profoundly futuristic or dystopian type of game that zooms on the characters struggling to survive, fighting off adversaries, or simply completing various quests. Action, adventure, and teamwork are just some parts that robots typically engage in using mechanics like fighting, exploring, or problem-solving.

Here we will provide you with the latest scripts of a game in a single article. To get more info about Roblox scripts visit Krnl Roblox Script!!

Project Delta

If you have just started playing Project Delta, you are likely looking for an Auto Parry script to survive in the game.

Get powerful scripting skills and take your Roblox game to another good level! You want game-physics, amazing combat style, or create gameplay for one’s self? With Roblox scripts, you can do all of this and more. Automate tasks, create unique features, watch your game become something amazing, and create worlds beyond worlds! Whether you’re making it alone or together with others, this is the tool to take your creations to a whole new level!

Just before we plunge into the warm depths of this article, know what is Project Delta!!

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What is Project Delta?

It’s a little higher than that, men join factions, upgrade guns and gear, and fight non-playable characters (NPCs) or those that are also other players with them.

Key Success Tips:

  • Teamwork means bonding: Much of the gameplay has been designed for multiplayer participation, and teaming up with other players can easily increase the chances of winning.
  • Upgrading your gear: See to it that you work on your weapons and armor early in the game so that you may be able to upgrade them as you realize the game is getting harder.
  • Explore the areas fully: do not rush through missions. Use whatever time it may take to explore, gather resources, and scout for secret areas that may contain some really strong upgrades or maybe secrets.

Game Features

  • Intense Action Combat: Bring people into high-energy combat scenes. With an impressive set of weapons and powers, combat can involve melee or ranged weapons, and tactical teamwork is often essential.
  • Exploration & Missions: Players have that land to explore it, undertake missions, and uncover hidden secrets with all that is copious.
  • Upgrades and Customization: Players will be allowed to upgrade their avatars and their gear to make them more combat-efficient or survivable.
  • Multiplayer Interactions: Create an alliance of other players, destroy them with you together, or join PvP(Player vs Player) modes.
  • Dynamic Environments: It can create environments that dynamically change, thus always adding an unknown element to fights or objectives.

Without any further wait, let’s get started:

All Project Delta Scripts (2024)

Unlike other websites or publishers, we have provided all Project Delta scripts here. Yes, you don’t need to click on any Download button or visit spammy websites to get the desired script.

You can copy your favorite Project Delta Script from here:

Esp, Aimbot:


Anti Cheat Bypass:

local LocalPlayer = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Humanoid = LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid
local Connections = {
{'CharacterController', Humanoid.GetPropertyChangedSignal(Humanoid, 'WalkSpeed')},
{'CharacterController', Humanoid.GetPropertyChangedSignal(Humanoid, 'JumpHeight')},
{'CharacterController', Humanoid.GetPropertyChangedSignal(Humanoid, 'HipHeight')},
{'CharacterController', Workspace.GetPropertyChangedSignal(Workspace, 'Gravity')},
{'CharacterController', Humanoid.StateChanged},
{'CharacterController', Humanoid.ChildAdded},
{'CharacterController', Humanoid.ChildRemoved},
for Index, Array in pairs(Connections) do
for _, Connection in pairs(getconnections(Array[2])) do
if type(Connection.Function) == 'function' then
local Info = debug.getinfo(Connection.Function)
if Info and string.find(Info.source, Array[1]) then
print(`disabling '{tostring(Connection.Function)}': {tostring(Array[2])}`)

Instant Hit:

local __namecall; __namecall = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", function(Self, ...)
local Method = getnamecallmethod();
local Args = {...};
if Method == "GetAttribute" then
if Args[1] == "MuzzleVelocity" then
return 9e9;
if Method == "FireServer" then
if tostring(Self) == "ProjectileInflict" then
do -- Modifications
local Distance = (Args[3].Position - workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Camera").CFrame.p).magnitude;
local StepAmount = Distance / 17;
if Distance / 3 > 15 then
for i = 1, math.floor(StepAmount) do
if not Args[2][i] then
Args[2][i] = {
["step"] = (math.random() / 10);
return __namecall(Self, unpack(Args));

Loot ESP:


Movement Prediction, Projectile Drop Prediction:

-- // Physics
local Physics = {}; Physics.__index = Physics; do
function Physics.MovementPrediction(Origin, Destination, DestinationVelocity, ProjectileSpeed)
local Distance = (Destination - Origin).Magnitude;
local TimeToHit = (Distance / ProjectileSpeed);
local Predicted = Destination + DestinationVelocity * TimeToHit;
local Delta = (Predicted - Origin).Magnitude / ProjectileSpeed;
 ProjectileSpeed = ProjectileSpeed - 0.013 * ProjectileSpeed ^ 2 * TimeToHit ^ 2;
TimeToHit += (Delta / ProjectileSpeed);
 local Actual = Destination + DestinationVelocity * TimeToHit;
return Actual;
function Physics.Trajectory(Origin, Destination, ProjectileSpeed, ProjectileDrop)
local Distance = (Destination - Origin).Magnitude;
local TimeToHit = (Distance / ProjectileSpeed);
local ProperSpeed = ProjectileSpeed - 0.013 * ProjectileSpeed ^ 2 * TimeToHit ^ 2;
TimeToHit += (Distance / ProperSpeed);
 local DropTime = ProjectileDrop * TimeToHit ^ 2;
if tostring(DropTime):find("nan") or (Distance <= 100) then
return 0
return DropTime

Teleport Bypass:

Gas station:, 55, -1725)
Gas station:, 55, -1725)
Mili base:, 204.833374, -358.562958, -0.469438642, -2.3004143e-09, 0.882965088, -2.64646061e-09, 1, 1.19830712e-09, -0.882965088, -1.77420079e-09, -0.469438642)
Factory:, 60.730587, -1156.35986, -0.972791791, -2.64167745e-08, 0.231681064, -2.66422138e-08, 1, 2.15575269e-09, -0.231681064, -4.0753978e-09, -0.972791791)
Harbor:, 74.5905151, -1255.02307, -0.284928083, 3.41271544e-08, -0.958548903, 8.24342052e-08, 1, 1.10994192e-08, 0.958548903, -7.5854679e-08, -0.284928083)
Powerplant:, 42.0387955, -628.61377, -0.999908268, -1.8654795e-08, 0.0135458698, -1.78346991e-08, 1, 6.06629271e-08, -0.0135458698, 6.04157719e-08, -0.999908268)
Lighthouse:, 266.341614, -1955.87451, -0.748854756, -2.3952349e-09, -0.662734091, 2.40877309e-08, 1, -3.08320445e-08, 0.662734091, -3.90524839e-08, -0.748854756)
Sawmill:, 67.6562424, -3514.40527, 0.146899015, 2.94054594e-08, -0.989151478, 9.84276909e-08, 1, 4.43454731e-08, 0.989151478, -1.03874207e-07, 0.146899015)
Town:, 55.2031136, -2199.47217, 0.708635449, -2.56416772e-08, -0.705574751, -1.67533365e-08, 1, -5.31675539e-08, 0.705574751, 4.94971495e-08, 0.708635449)
local tpTo =, 55, -1725) -- Teleports to gas station, replace me with any CFrame above or your own
local nameCall; namecall = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", function(self, ...)
local args = {...};
if method == "InvokeServer" and tostring(self) == "SpawnCharacter" then
game.Players.LocalPlayer.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = tpTo
return nameCall(self, unpack(args));

Anti Drown And See Underwater:

-- init
if not game:IsLoaded() then
-- variables
local replicatedStorage, runService, lighting = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"), game:GetService("RunService"), game:GetService("Lighting");
local waterBlur = lighting:WaitForChild("WaterBlur");
local drowningRemote = replicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Remotes"):WaitForChild("Drowning");
-- main
local namecall_hook; do
namecall_hook = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", newcclosure(function(self, ...)
local namecallMethod, arguments = (getnamecallmethod or get_namecall_method)(), {...};
if (namecallMethod == "FireServer" or namecallMethod == "fireServer") and self == drowningRemote and arguments[1] and typeof(arguments[1]) == "number" then

How to Run Project Delta Script?

The process of running or executing Project Delta scripts is pretty easy. However, if you don’t know the process then follow the steps written below:

  • Download and open on your PC.
  • Join the game in Roblox where you want to execute the script.
  • Inject KRNL into Roblox by using the Executor window.
  • Copy and paste the script you want to run into the KRNL Executor’s input field.
  • Click “Execute” to run the script and apply its effects in the game.
  • That’s it.


In the FAQ section, we try to answer every question asked by gamers.

Q. What do es Project Delta aim to achieve?

Ans: The key aspect is survival, progression, and mission completion in a fierce and continuously changing environment. Players can either cooperate or compete, according to their chosen mode.

Q. Can I play Project Delta solo?

Ans: Many missions are suitable for single play though Project Delta shines brightest with friends or teammates in multiplayer mechanics and specific cooperative gameplay.

Q. What kind of upgrades can I get in the game?

Ans: Players can upgrade their weapons, armor, powers, and characters to improve combat or survival characteristics, varying them per evolving challenges in the game.

Q. Is there a particular class system present in Project Delta?

Ans: There’s a chance Project Delta may feature unique classes or roles for the player’s role depending on what version or update status the game is in-particular because most classes have certain abilities and play styles that work uniquely within the game environment.

Q. How do I level up in Project Delta?

Ans: By completing missions and defeating enemies using combative ways, players will earn experience points or XP, which they can use to upgrade their skills and stats.

That’s it for this article! I hope you like this article. If you have any questions, please feel free to comment below.

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